Vanquish Engelse Setters
Wansleydale for Vanquish 'Paige'
Ned.Kamp. NJK, BW'13
(Wansleydale Loganberry At Jolymore x Moorbrook Golden Girl Of Wansleydale)
D.O.B. 13-06-2010
Orange Belton Bitch
HD-C1, Baertest Normal/Clear, DNA registered
† 18-12-2021
Winnaar Rasgroep 7 Eukanuba Award 2016
(Ch. Fantail's Good Old Melody x Nattaset Model of the Moon)
D.O.B. 28-07-2007
Bleu Belton Bitch
HD-B1, Baertest Normal/Clear, DNA registered
† 24-06-2019
(Ch. Gamerights Zannatos x Nattaset Model of the Moon)
D.O.B. 02-12-2004
Tri-Color Bitch
HD-B2, Baertest Normal/Clear
† 24-06-2019
(Sh.Ch.Ned.Kamp. Wansleydale Orszak Prince x
Ned.Kamp. Fantail's Justify my Faith)
D.O.B. 05-04-2009, Orange Belton Reu, HD-B2
† 09-05-2017
(Ch. Gamerights Zannatos x Nattaset Model of the Moon)
D.O.B. 02-12-2004, Tri-Color Reu
(Ch. Moon Magic Po Pengtsson x Nattaset That’s the Way)
D.O.B. 08-02-2003
(Ch. Brucelm Colonell Collins x Soberhill Silken Thread)
D.O.B. 17-08-2000
† 17-01-2011
Tri-Color Reu, HD C
(Farthingale High Born x Vanquish Delight)
D.O.B. 28-03-2008
† 17-12-2008
Aston will be in our hearts forever and we miss him every day!